Whether you're dreaming about being unfaithful to your partner or you are struggling with some other issue in your relationship, this post will give you expert information about what you need to address.
Creating meaningful conversations is a key to happiness in any relationship. This post will borrow from the insights of Judith Glaser, author of Conversational Intelligence. Judith's work focuses on building strong work relationships through improved conversations, but her work is transferable to all relationships. Continue on to see how these tips can boost your romantic relationship too!
Your relationship with food is an important one. Is yours a love-hate relationship? Do you love food but hate what it does to you? Simple changes in your nutritional habits can go a long way in adding to your overall health and well-being. It can even improve your friendships and your love life! This article will give you 8 practical steps to a healthy nutritional shift and will tease out your thinking about how to shift your relationships with your diet! And there are 5 great smoothie recipes included!
This is a simple way to keep multi-layered projects from getting away from you. It is designed to assist you with tracking all the fine details of complex projects. I developed the video for a ministry training organization that invited me to do some writing and training for them, but it is easily transferable to any kind of work. Coaching to Connect was founded upon the conviction that healthy relationships are the source of healing and thriving in life, and now a bunch of rats have shown us the this is truer than we had thought. In a study of heroine addiction, rats were given the choice of water and water that was laced with heroine. Left in isolation, they chose the heroine. But when the same rats were placed in a dynamic and healthy social environment, they ignored the heroine water.
It appears that people do basically the same thing. When they can't effectively connect with other human beings, they often resort to mind-altering drugs to compensate for the lack of connection. While sobriety practices are important for addicts, they won't keep an addict sober. Only intimate human connection can keep an addict sober for the long haul. Connection, not sobriety, is the opposite of addiction... and the opposite of so many other things that plague us as individuals and as a society. CLICK HERE to read more about the research. Get connected... How will I change for the better today? Make this a daily question and your quest will set you free from whatever is holding you back from your life’s purpose.
But how can you know that you are changing for the better? Here’s a suggestion to consider: Ask the people you live with, those who know you and love you, what you need to change about yourself in order to improve your life. I’ll bet they will have lots of suggestions. If you live alone, ask the people with whom you spend most of your time. Push them until you get a really sincere answer, but be prepared to hear something that you are not expecting to hear. After you’ve listened to those who know you and love you, follow these steps for change:
If you try to change and it doesn’t work, return to these steps and ask, “Which one did I not honor sufficiently?” Then proceed to make your adjustments, but don’t give up! You’ve got this! ![]() In the first part of this two-part blog, I introduced you to a life-design process that you can use to increase your overall happiness. Here's how you can take it a step further. After you've identified the part of your life from the nine areas (career, finance, spirituality, fitness, family, friends, significant other, living space, recreation) then you can focus on the detail of one of these areas to build the right strategies that will lead to greater happiness. Here's an example... Family: What parts of family life really matter to you right now? Here's a possible listing:
Bold and decisive action is necessary to move you to greater happiness. It won't just magically happen. Don't wait for happiness to come to you. It's already under your nose. Take it! ![]() It has been said that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is as true for individuals and couples as it is for leaders. You can design and build your happiness by examining both the physical and spiritual parts of your life and making regular and simple adjustments in the areas of your choice. Here’s how it can be done: 1. Do a holistic (mind/body/spirit) assessment of your life satisfaction by examining the following areas:
2. Focus on the one or two areas that jump off the page and say, “This part of your life needs some attention!” 3. Think deeply about your areas of change.
4. Develop daily habits that move you in the direction you want to go. 5. Enjoy your emerging new life and repeat this process for each area. This life design process is simple, but it’s not easy. A professional life coach is trained to patiently and deliberately walk this journey with you… to stand in your greatness even when you can’t see it… to hold you accountable to what you want most deeply. It’s time to begin the journey to your dreams. Have you ever gone after something and captured it only to realize that it wasn’t really what you wanted in the first place? Maybe it was as simple as a food item on a menu or as weighty as a house purchase or even a career choice. We often make choices without checking in closely enough with our deepest desires for happiness and fulfillment.
How can we get better at going after what we really want out of life? Here are some key things to do if you want clarity about what you really want…
Life coaching can create the conversations that will bring clarity to what you really want. Get in touch with us for a free initial conversation about what you really want. Billy Joel earned a Grammy for best song of the year when he wrote “Just the Way You Are” in 1977. In the lyrics he proclaims his undying love and begs his lover to never change. He wrote the song for his first wife, Elizabeth Weber. The relationship ended up in divorce. Hmmm, love without change doesn’t seem to be true love.
It has been said that God loves you just the way you are, AND that God loves you too much to let you stay that way. This is much closer to the reality of true love than the Billy Joel version. Loving a person the way he is AND expecting ongoing change in the relationship are not contradictions. Wise and caring couples do both. But how? When couples develop a mutual agreement to share all of their thoughts, reflections, hopes, dreams, disappointments, and everything else in the context of deep respect and care, they both feel loved and honored in the moment and challenged in a hopeful way to keep growing. These couples have much satisfaction with their relationships while sustaining a peaceful excitement about the wonders they still have yet to discover. It’s like saying, “I love this relationship and I can’t wait for what’s next!” Is this what you want more of in your relationship? I’d love to talk to you about that. Explore our coaching options for information about how you can get more of this built into your love relationship. |