Sponsor Couple Training Program and Manual
Coaching to Connect has developed a "state of the art" sponsor couple training program to help engaged couples prepare for a happy and successful marriage.
CLICK HERE to learn more about this innovative new approach to sponsor couple ministry! |
Gratitude Journal: A Journey of Transformation
From Day 7: "If you are grateful for what you have, then you will always have enough. Gratitude will change your vision. You will see people, places, things and events with new and more hope-filled eyes. Be open to the surprising truth that your life is more beautiful than you think it is."
The Gratitude Journal is a simple tool to help you transform your relationships in a remarkable way. Change your spiritual consciousness from disappointment, judgment and bitterness to appreciation, joy and peace by spending a minute or two each day reflecting upon and writing down your gratitude list. Thousands upon thousands of people have experienced renewed happiness in life from the scientifically-proven spiritual practice of gratitude journaling.
The Gratitude Journal includes an introduction with instructions on how to do gratitude journaling. The introduction is followed by 40 days of journaling with gratitude reflections for each day.
Here are some unsolicited comments from Gratitude Journal users:
"Thank you for the wonderful comments in your Gratitude Journal. I have journaled my gratitude on and off for years, but reading how you expressed being grateful and how we benefit from being thankful for who I am, etc. make me try to be better and do more. I love myself more and the more love I have - the more I have to give to others." - Liz
"I'm just amazed that such a simple activity can change your life. I've found myself happier and hopefully I am brightening others' lives daily." - Lisa
"Thank you so much for the Gratitude Journal. It helped me learn things about myself I never thought possible. I am bi-polar, so sometimes my life can become high drama and being grateful helped keep me on pace." -Lynn
"Thank you for the opportunity to spend the summer with gratitude in my heart and on my mind. This little book brings big changes. It was wonderful to hear how your book has inspired the students in my yoga classes and how it has helped my sister through a horrible divorce." -Kathleen
52 pages - soft cover - 5"x7"
$6.95 + Shipping/Handling
The Gratitude Journal is a simple tool to help you transform your relationships in a remarkable way. Change your spiritual consciousness from disappointment, judgment and bitterness to appreciation, joy and peace by spending a minute or two each day reflecting upon and writing down your gratitude list. Thousands upon thousands of people have experienced renewed happiness in life from the scientifically-proven spiritual practice of gratitude journaling.
The Gratitude Journal includes an introduction with instructions on how to do gratitude journaling. The introduction is followed by 40 days of journaling with gratitude reflections for each day.
Here are some unsolicited comments from Gratitude Journal users:
"Thank you for the wonderful comments in your Gratitude Journal. I have journaled my gratitude on and off for years, but reading how you expressed being grateful and how we benefit from being thankful for who I am, etc. make me try to be better and do more. I love myself more and the more love I have - the more I have to give to others." - Liz
"I'm just amazed that such a simple activity can change your life. I've found myself happier and hopefully I am brightening others' lives daily." - Lisa
"Thank you so much for the Gratitude Journal. It helped me learn things about myself I never thought possible. I am bi-polar, so sometimes my life can become high drama and being grateful helped keep me on pace." -Lynn
"Thank you for the opportunity to spend the summer with gratitude in my heart and on my mind. This little book brings big changes. It was wonderful to hear how your book has inspired the students in my yoga classes and how it has helped my sister through a horrible divorce." -Kathleen
52 pages - soft cover - 5"x7"
$6.95 + Shipping/Handling
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This book, co-authored with John Roberto and Dr. Kathie Amidei, surveys the latest developments in the theory and practice of intergenerational ministries. Every congregation can discover its intergenerational heart and soul, and become an intentionally intergenerational community that nurtures the faith of all ages and equips them for gospel living in daily life. Generations Together helps ministry leaders capture the vision of the intergenerational church, the full body of Christ, and is filled with case studies and practical resources for implementing the vision.
Your Guide to Godparenting
Being a godparent is a lifelong responsibility. Godparents have a privileged opportunity to assist parents in passing on spiritual and religious values to their children. It is true that it takes a village to raise a child, and godparents are key child-rearing villagers. This simple booklet will help you become aware of the critical importance of the godparenting role and offers many practical suggestions for honoring the role effectively in the digital age.
Way of the Cross for Families (Also Available in Spanish)
This practical and colorful tool, co-authored with John Roberto and others, introduces twelve common practices that fill the lives of Christian households. We all hunger for a meaningful life. We want a faith that makes a difference in our homes, workplaces, communities, and world. We look for ways to deepen our relationship with God each day, and we hope that our children and grandchildren will find purpose for their lives in a loving relationship with God supported by a strong faith community.
Living Well is a "how to" book. You'll learn about each practice through real-life stories and how the practices are rooted in the Bible. You'll find multiple practical suggestions for incorporating each practice into your daily routine. Each chapter is a mini-retreat in itself.
Christian practices are the ways by which we live the Christian way of life and deepen our relationship with God and with each other. Here are twelve essential practices that are covered in the book:
1. Caring for the Body
2. Celebrating Life
3. Discernment
4. Dying Well
5. Eating Well
6. Forgiving
7. Keeping Sabbath
8. Managing Household Life
9. Participating in Community
10. Praying
11. Reading the Bible
12. Transforming the World
192 pages - Free digital downloads of individual chapters
Living Well is a "how to" book. You'll learn about each practice through real-life stories and how the practices are rooted in the Bible. You'll find multiple practical suggestions for incorporating each practice into your daily routine. Each chapter is a mini-retreat in itself.
Christian practices are the ways by which we live the Christian way of life and deepen our relationship with God and with each other. Here are twelve essential practices that are covered in the book:
1. Caring for the Body
2. Celebrating Life
3. Discernment
4. Dying Well
5. Eating Well
6. Forgiving
7. Keeping Sabbath
8. Managing Household Life
9. Participating in Community
10. Praying
11. Reading the Bible
12. Transforming the World
192 pages - Free digital downloads of individual chapters
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